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Page Revision: 2012/12/31 12:06

Corporate Address:

VERTEX, Incorporated

One Liberty Square

New Britain, CT 06051 1-860-827-9090
Team Member NameWork Phone / LocationCell PhoneAIM id
Angela Lisix196 / NY 518.928.1768 Angelalisi
Denise Martusx194 / SC803.431.7376denise.martus@vertexincorporated.com
Elaine Lechowicz x124 / Office 860.538.3657 elainelck
Elizabeth Santa x126 / Office860.543.2642 lizsATwork
Ellen Lesterx110 / Office 860.301.9676 ellenlester1172
Gary Parent x114 / Office 860.305.0802 garyeparent
Ginny Kiraly 860.652.5577 / Office gkiraly
Greg Phillips x193 / VA!! 804.304.7346 greg.phillips@vertexincorporated.com
Joe Procacini 781.273.5912 / MA617.775.4257 prock99
Katie Lewinstein x127 / Office860.208.5339 Katielew21
Kelly White x125 / Office860.268.6312 kelnwhite
Lisa Cavaliere x113 / Office860.989.4509 LisaCavaliere
Mary Heimlichx106 / Office 203.231.0573 marymheimlich
Mary Carroll x123 / Office 860.906.8797 mary.carroll@vertexincorporated.com
Melissa Zils x111 / Office 860.543.2642 zilsatwork
Pamela Simonds x121 / Office860-202-6668pamsimondswork
Peter Luschenat 860.301.6211 / Office pluschenat
Preston Maltempo x122 / Office 860.778.4286 pmaltempo44
Roger Morin x107 / Office 860.280.4645 Y2000Maxima
Suzanne Brazealx112 / Office860.508.2269SuzanneBrazeal

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